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Hawaiian Jewelry Motif ”Pilialoha”

ハワイアンジュエリーのモチーフ ”ピリアロハ”

For couples to be eternally tied with each other ” Bond”
In Hawaiian, ”Pilialoha” stands for ”a husband and wife in love with each other”.
mailes are believed to be ”the plants blessed by God.”
They symbolize conjugal and familial affection from their nature of growing with adverse leaves.
maile vines are also associated with the image of ”the divine tie”, namely ”the bond,” and they are treasured as one of the most important plants in Hawaii.
It is said that mailes were once offered to Laka, the Goddess of Hula.
Pilialoha is a popular design on which a maile pattern is engraved seamlessly.
The accessories of this type have a hibiscus mark, meaning ”I believe you,” and maile vines on it, usually given to a couple who love each other in order for them to trust each other and be together forever.
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ハワイアンジュエリーのモチーフ ”ピリアロハ”