ハワイアンジュエリー特別な結婚指輪・婚約指輪をオーダーメイドで|PUA ALLY  (プアアリ)


Hawaiian Jewelry Motif ”Kumulipo”

ハワイアンジュエリーのモチーフ ”クムリポ”

The beginning of everything ~Origin~
Kumulipo represents “Origin” in Hawaiian.
The maile leaves represent “nature”, grow with adverse leaves and are believed to be “blessed by god.”
The scroll pattern represents “eternal love”
and symbolizes waves which come in and go out.
The hibiscus means “faith” and symbolizes happiness.
This design, Kumulipo, has every Hawaiian motif that is said to bring in happiness.
It means “the origin of Hawai’i” and has been cherished by Hawaiian people.
It also means “protecting the precious one” and has been used as a valuable talisman.
It’s the most solemn and treasured design.
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ハワイアンジュエリーのモチーフ ”クムリポ”